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How Do We Stop Abortions?

Photo by Christina Poss, California Written by Matthew Poss I consider myself to be pro-life. I believe that human life is sacred, both in the womb and out in the world. This belief is rooted in my Christian faith, which declares that since every human is made in the image of God , we all have incalculable, inherent value. This applies to every human, regardless of their circumstance . Since I value all human life, I must do my best to hold beliefs that will protect and preserve human life. Abortions end human life, so I logically must take a stand against them. However, my goal isn't to just outlaw abortions, it's to ensure that abortions don't happen outside of saving a mother's life. This begs the question: how can we stop abortions from happening? The simplest, most straightforward answer would be to make them illegal. Once they cannot legally be given outside of life-saving procedures, this should solve the issue, right? Not necessarily. We know from history that o

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